Software Carpentry teaches introductory computational skills that enable the use of key infrastructure such as performance computing clusters, and that aid data management, collaboration, analysis and visualisation. The goal is to empower researchers and enable them to get more done in less time and with less pain.
Over April 21st and 22nd the Centre for Academic Development will be hosting an online Software Carpentry workshop.
Software Carpentry teaches introductory computational skills that enable the use of key infrastructure such as performance computing clusters, and that aid data management, collaboration, analysis and visualisation. The goal is to empower researchers and enable them to get more done in less time and with less pain. This is achieved by providing hands-on training that combines short tutorials with practical exercises, and all instruction is done via live coding. The syllabus for the April workshop will cover an introduction to the UNIX shell (command line), version control with Git, and data and analysis and visualisation in Python.
It will be based on an Ecology dataset, but will benefit researchers and staff from all disciplines keen to learn or improve their ability to manage, analyse and visualise data. Free to attend, all levels of experience and career welcome. We also welcome help from those with experience in the command line, Git and Python.
Find out more information and sign up via the links below: Day 1 – April 21 Day 2 – April 22
(Note: there are separate registrations for each day, but attendance at both is strongly encouraged!)
If you need any further information or are interesting in helping out, please email